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AS 15 R
November 18, 2024

Difference Between AS 15 R and IND AS 19 in Leave Encashment Actuarial Valuation

Actuarial valuation of leave encashment is essential for businesses to accurately assess and record employee leave liabilities. In India, AS 15 (Revised) and IND AS 19 are two primary standards guiding this valuation. AS 15 R applies to most Indian

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AS 15 R versus IND AS 19
June 17, 2024

Component of Expense recognised in Profit and loss account – AS 15 R versus IND AS 19

For businesses in India, accounting for employee benefits is a crucial aspect. These benefits, such as gratuity and pensions, come at a cost, impacting your company’s profitability. But how are these expenses recognized in your financial statements? Here, we explore

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How Actuarial Valuation Enhances Gratuities
May 29, 2024

How Actuarial Valuation Enhances Gratuities: A Comprehensive Guide

Businesses of all types and sizes need to know the rules for actuarial valuation of gratuity. This is especially necessary for the most common benefit in India. They need to understand the regulatory framework for the gratuity scheme. Today, we

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AS15R on Gratuity Valuation
February 26, 2024

Applicability of AS15R on Gratuity Valuation

AS15R, also known as Accounting Standard 15 Revised, significantly impacts how organizations value gratuity liabilities. This accounting standard sets guidelines for the measurement and disclosure of employee benefits, including gratuity. Under AS15R, companies must conduct actuarial valuations to accurately assess

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Leave Encashment Valuation
February 7, 2023

Leave Encashment Valuation

Leave Encashment Valuation Every salaried person, as per labor law, is entitled to a minimum number of paid leave every year, however, it is not necessary that an individual employee utilize leave balance at the time of retirement or resignation

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Actuarial Valuation of Gratuity
February 2, 2023

Best Actuarial Valuation Consultants

The Actuarial Valuation of Gratuity is a method of valuing the value of an employee’s pension liability. It is used to determine how much money employers will have to pay out in pensions. The Actuary determines how much an employer

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IND AS 19 employee benefits
February 2, 2023

IND AS 19 | Employee Benefits

What is IND AS 19? The Goal of the Indian Accounting Standard Ind AS 19 is to establish accounting and disclosure requirements for employee Benefits. Accounting according to Ind AS 19 criteria comprises both recognition and measurement. Furthermore, the accounting

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October 3, 2022

Gratuity AS15 R

Gratuity AS15 R, short-term employee benefits consist of wages salaries and social security contribution short-term paid absence such as speed annual leave where such absences are expected to take place within 12 months after the end of the period during

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July 6, 2022

Warranty Valuation and How it Works?

What is a Warranty? A Warranty is a form of guarantee given by a manufacturer or other similar entity on the condition of their product. It also refers to the conditions and circumstances under which repairs or exchanges will be

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June 23, 2022

5 Issues to Consider for Funding a Gratuity Scheme

Funding a Gratuity Scheme Gratuity is a portion of such a worker’s remuneration that is paid by his or her company in exchange for such tasks or services that the worker has provided to the organization. Funding a Gratuity Scheme.

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