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Detailed valuation services by Mithras Consultation

Get Detailed Valuation Services by Mithras Consultation

Get Detailed Valuation Services by Mithras Consultation During the pandemic time there were many people who lost their jobs and some of them are still struggling with their professional life. Many of the organizations are facing difficulties in maintaining finance worldwide. There are hardly any people who know the best usage of the money earned by him. Earning money is not easy but spending money is easy, but retaining the same money is a very difficult task.

Now when you think about a job that gives you a balance of professional life as well as financial security, then I think actuarial jobs are the best ones to consider. Many of the companies hire a professional who will therefore calculate and provide you best actuarial valuation of an employee without any problem.

Actuarial Valuation

Actuarial Valuation is an accounting exercise performed to estimate future liabilities arising benefits that are payable to employees of a company. The purpose of actuarial valuation is to calculate the present value of payments that would be made to the employees in future as part of employees benefits plan. And actuarial valuation is required at the end of every accounting period for the purpose of preparation of financial statements. Get Detailed Valuation Services by Mithras Consultation

An Actuarial valuation for gratuity, it is a type of appraisal of a pension fund’s asset versus liabilities using investment, economic, and demographic assumptions for the model of determining the funds status of pension plan. Many of you know Gratuity is a type of gift given to an employee after completion of 5 years service in a company at the time of retirement or job change. Detailed valuation.

Mithras Consultants is an independent actuarial and insurance consultancy firm providing qualitative financial and insurance solution to its clients Mithras provides actuarial service like,

·       Gratuity

·       Leave Encashment

·       ESoP Valuation

·       Warranty Valuation

·       Pension Valuation

Leave Encashment

It is utilized by many employees at the time of Job change or at the time of retirement. It is utilized by the valued on cost of the company (CTC) basis which leave is encashed and is costed on the basis of wages as defined in the leave rule. Actuarial valuation is required only in cases where the leave balance may be consumed over a period of extending beyond 12 months. Get Detailed valuation services by Mithras Consultation.

Mithras Consultants provide service for Life Insurance and Employees Benefit. They provide actuarial and financial services related to life insurance, general insurance, employees benefits valuation and risk management.

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