reinsurance premium calculation
May 5, 2023

The Importance of Accurate Reinsurance Premium Calculation in Risk Management

Reinsurance is a vital component of the insurance industry, allowing insurers to transfer risk to reinsurers and protect themselves from financial losses. However, accurately calculating reinsurance premiums is essential for insurers to ensure they are adequately covered and can manage

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Actuarial Valuation in Retirement Planning
May 5, 2023

The Importance of Actuarial Valuation in Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is a daunting task, but it’s an essential part of preparing for your golden years. Actuarial valuation is a crucial aspect of retirement planning that shouldn’t be overlooked. In this blog, we will explore the importance of actuarial

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Actuarial valuation of gratuity
May 5, 2023

The Role Of Actuaries In Gratuity Valuation

Actuaries play a crucial role in the valuation of gratuity, which is a retirement benefit provided to employees by their employers. The gratuity is a lump sum payment made to an employee by their employer as a token of appreciation

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gratuity valuation
May 5, 2023

Understanding the Importance of Gratuity Valuation for Employees and Employers

Gratuity is a retirement benefit that is provided to employees by their employers as a token of appreciation for their long service. It is a lump sum payment that is calculated based on the employee’s last drawn salary and the

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Leave Encashment Valuation
February 7, 2023

Leave Encashment Valuation

Leave Encashment Valuation Every salaried person, as per labor law, is entitled to a minimum number of paid leave every year, however, it is not necessary that an individual employee utilize leave balance at the time of retirement or resignation

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Actuarial Valuation of Gratuity
February 2, 2023

Best Actuarial Valuation Consultants

The Actuarial Valuation of Gratuity is a method of valuing the value of an employee’s pension liability. It is used to determine how much money employers will have to pay out in pensions. The Actuary determines how much an employer

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IND AS 19 employee benefits
February 2, 2023

IND AS 19 | Employee Benefits

What is IND AS 19? The Goal of the Indian Accounting Standard Ind AS 19 is to establish accounting and disclosure requirements for employee Benefits. Accounting according to Ind AS 19 criteria comprises both recognition and measurement. Furthermore, the accounting

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December 8, 2022

Actuarial Consultant

What is an Actuarial Consultant? The term Actuarial Consultant suggests a monetary expert who prompts clients on speculation, protection, and benefits-related choices utilizing different estimations. The consultant applies a broad utilization of insights, emergency courses of action, and a lot

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October 3, 2022

Gratuity AS15 R

Gratuity AS15 R, short-term employee benefits consist of wages salaries and social security contribution short-term paid absence such as speed annual leave where such absences are expected to take place within 12 months after the end of the period during

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August 30, 2022

Insurance Consulting

An Insurance Consulting professional who provides specialized guidance and advice for investment in various insurance schemes isn’t an insurance consultant there is a state you later here charge and cursed investor for the service offered by an advisor who is

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