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AS 15R and IND AS 19 2 minutes read

Applicability of IND AS 19 on Gratuity Valuation

Posted By abdul February 26, 2024

Gratuity Valuation is a crucial aspect of financial planning for businesses. It represents the future liability a company incurs towards its employees for their service over the years. Now, enter IND AS 19. This accounting standard, in line with the International Accounting Standard (IAS) 19, revolutionizes how companies account for gratuity obligations. Let’s explore its impact under five key subheadings:

  • Regulatory Framework:

IND AS 19 sets the stage by providing a comprehensive framework for the accounting and valuation of employee benefits, including gratuity. It brings uniformity and transparency to how companies report their obligations towards employees’ future benefits.

  • Gratuity Calculation Methodologies:

Gone are the days of ad-hoc calculations. IND AS 19 mandates specific methodologies, such as the projected unit credit method, for computing gratuity liability. This ensures consistency and accuracy in determining the present value of future payouts.

  • Actuarial Assumptions:

Actuarial science takes the center stage under IND AS 19. Companies are required to employ actuarial assumptions to estimate future gratuity payments. These assumptions encompass variables like discount rates, salary escalation rates, and employee turnover, ensuring a more realistic valuation.

  • Impact on Financial Statements:

Brace yourselves for a significant impact on financial statements. Gratuity valuation under IND AS 19 directly affects the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. It’s not just about compliance; it’s about portraying a true and fair view of the company’s financial health.

  • Disclosure Requirements:

Transparency is non-negotiable. IND AS 19 mandates detailed disclosures regarding gratuity obligations and valuation methodologies in the financial statements. This empowers stakeholders with valuable insights into the company’s long-term commitments and risk exposure.


IND AS 19 revolutionizes Gratuity Valuation, ushering in an era of standardization, accuracy, and transparency. Companies need to embrace these changes wholeheartedly to ensure compliance and maintain stakeholders’ trust. At Mithras Consultants, we understand the nuances of Gratuity Valuation under IND AS 19. Our expertise can help navigate through these complexities, ensuring seamless compliance and accurate financial reporting.

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